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p21 dwell on
发布时间:2024-10-14 13:43:38编辑:雪饮阅读()
Even 甚至,即使
men 男人,人类(man 的复数)
than (用以引出比较的第二部分)比
Even today,more men major in math than do women.
stress 强调,重要性
importance 重要,重要性
self-esteem 自尊(心)
There is no need for me to stress the importance of self-esteem here.
dialogue 对白;对话
Seoul 首尔(韩国首都)
The policy document does stress the importance of dialogue between Seoul and Pyongyang.
disposal 处理,清除
downfalls 衰败,垮台
field 应付(问题或电话)
resources [计][环境] 资源
available 可用的,可获得的
online (产品、服务或信息)在线的,网上的
forget 忘记,遗忘
great (数量或程度)极大的,很大的;
offline (计算机设备)脱机的,离线的
One of the downfalls of being in a field that has so many resources available online is that it's easy to forget about all of the great offline resources at your disposal.
representing 表示(represent 的现在分词)
architectural 建筑学的,建筑方面的
structures 结构;[建]构筑物
directly 直接地,径直地
using 使用(use 的现在分词形式)
technologies 技术;科技(technology 的复数)
There's no way of representing architectural structures directly using the technologies we have at our disposal.
poke 轻微的批评,奚落
ride 骑马,骑车
You shouldn't poke fun at him just because he can't ride a bicycle.
wears 穿着;戴
strange 奇怪地,不寻常地
We all poke fun at her because she wears such a strange hat.
shows 显示,表明
ignorance 无知,愚昧
He shows off but only shows up his ignorance.
quick 迅速的,快的
twirl (使)旋转,转动
dress (特定种类的)服装,衣服
She did a quick twirl to show off her dress.
biological 生物的,生物学的
eager 热切的,渴望的
He was eager to know who was his biological mother.
Jobs 乔布斯(人名)
Simpson 辛普森(姓氏)
reunited (使)重聚
Jobs and Simpson first met in 1986,after 31-year-old Jobs reunited with his biological mother.
expectations 期望;预期
deals [贸易]交易(deal 的复数形式)
Kohlberg 科尔伯格 (Kohlberg)人名
Kravis (Kravis)人名
Roberts 罗伯茨(姓氏)
KKR 科尔伯格·克莱维斯·罗伯特公司(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts)
least 一点儿;最少的(little 的最高级)
industry 行业,产业
watcher 观察者;看守人
thinks 想
they'll 他们将(they will)
ex-ceptions 免责条款(exception 的复数形式)
If these deals meet KKR's expectations,at least one industry watcher thinks they'll be ex-ceptions.
strong 坚定的,强烈的
tendency (性格中不良的)倾向
blame 责备,过错
herself 她自己(she 的反身代词)
else's 其他的
depressed 抑郁的,沮丧的
She has a strong tendency to blame herself and to try and meet everyone else's expecta-tions,which is one reason she is so depressed.
boys 男孩子们;小伙子们(boy 的复数)
lived 活着;度过
induced 引诱;说服(induce 的过去分词)
exposure 暴露,接触
poison 毒药;有害的思想
gas 气体;气体燃料
The boys lived,but the illness induced by their exposure to poison gas forced them to drop out of school.
rejecting 拒绝 拒收
responsibility 责任,负责
leading 领导(lead 的现在分词形式)
parasitic 寄生的(等于 parasitical)
Some of them drop out,rejecting any social responsibility,leading a parasitic life.
museum 博物馆
built 发展,建立
The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist.
educational 教育的;有教育意义的
fund 钱款;基金会
She set up an educational fund in memory of her mother.
dwell 总是想着,唠叨(dwell on)
achievers 成就者(achiever 的复数形式)
spend 花(时间)
evaluating 评估(evaluate 的 ing 形式)
them-selves 他们自己;他们亲自
performances 表现(performance 的复数)
High achievers dwell on what they can do well-and spend very little time evaluating them-selves and their performances.