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发布时间:2021-01-14 18:12:53编辑:雪饮阅读()
import java.awt.Dimension ;
import javax.swing.JFrame ;
import javax.swing.JButton ;
public class Hello{
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Welcome To kasumi") ;
JButton but = new JButton("click me") ;
frame.add(but) ;
frame.setSize(200,70) ;
frame.setLocation(300,200) ;
frame.setVisible(true) ;

import java.awt.Dimension ;
import javax.swing.JFrame ;
import javax.swing.JButton ;
import javax.swing.Icon ;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon ;
import java.io.File ;
public class Hello{
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Welcome To kasumi") ;
String picPath = "d:" + File.separator + "kasumi.png" ;
Icon icon = new ImageIcon(picPath) ;
JButton but = new JButton(icon) ;
frame.add(but) ;
frame.setSize(300,160) ;
frame.setLocation(300,200) ;
frame.setVisible(true) ;
